Sunday, July 3, 2011

30 day blog challenge - Day 1

So - in effort to actually blog and create a habit, I'm challenging myself to a 30 day blog challenge. 30 days in a row.

I was supposed to start July 1st. Oh well - how about July 3rd.

30 days will take me through to August 2nd. And then hopefully I'll have created a habit for this blog - and for the one I wanna do for Regan. We'll see how this goes - but I truly want to be successful!


My first topic is: Your current relationship

Currently - I am married. And with child. It could really be summed up as easy as that - but I think the purpose is to incite creativity and such. So what can I say about my relationship with my husband....

I've known him since I was in 9th grade (he was in 10th). This is how we met: He came up to me while I was waiting for my mom to pick me up after softball practice.

J: "Hey, my name is James and I like to meet new people."
C: "I'm Cassie."
my mom drove up
C: "I have to go."
I go to the car and my mom asks who the boy is. I don't know, I say. Some guy who likes to meet new people.

Suuuuper romantic right? It gets better.

A few days later - same scenario:

J: "Hey my name is James -"
C: "-yea and you like to meet new people right?"
J: "Uhhh.. How did you know that?"
C: a look of annoyance and idiocy "You already said this to me before."
J: "Oh. Well... you should come have lunch with me tomorrow."
C: "Can my friend come?"
J: "Okay"
C: "Okay"
My mom pulls up and I go again. My mom asks if it was the same boy. I reply yes. I told her he really likes to meet new people, but apparently doesn't remember who he meets. And that is the story of the first time we met.

From that day forward me and the bestie ate lunch with him and his bestie. As the year went by, I had a growing crush on him - and he on me, but I was none the wiser of his infatuation until the last day of school. The next year I moved about 40 miles away.

We kept in contact and remained friends-who-wanted-to-be-more for years. His senior year we finally went to a dance together. It was amazing.

Then we lost contact until I was about 23. I moved back to Cali for him and the rest is history. He proposed in 12 days.

Now - I wish I could say that we have the happiest marriage and that I married my best friend and all of that mushy stuff, but it would be untrue. We fight. A lot. And we are both very stubborn - so we butt heads most everyday. But we do love each other. Very much. And we have a baby together now that we love even more. All I can hope is that it's our love and our devotion to each other that will win out in the end. One day we'll figure out how to communicate and how to make our relationship stronger. Everyday we learn something new and grow from that. Or... at least I do.

1 comment:

  1. That's just awesome.

    I made fun of my husband the first time someone pointed him out to me. Good thing we like each other's sense of humour as well as love each other!
